Terms and Conditions


1. General terms and conditions

2. Scope of the agreement

Parties to the Agreement

4. Ownership

5. Delivery

6. Undo

7. Processing of personal data 

7.1. Right to insight

7.2. Your other rights

8. The SIM card in the GSM dongle

8.1. Loss, theft and blocking 

8.2. Coverage ratio

9. Payment terms

9.1. Payment of subscription

9.2. Payment of Additional Consumption 

9.3. Payment solutions

10. International telephony

11. When data is included in your subscription

12. Campaigns

13. Credit rating

14. Default

15. Changes in prices and terms

16. Complaint

17. Termination

18. Binding period

19. Disputes and redress

20. Compensation

21. Transfer

1. General terms and conditions

You have entered into one or more agreements with Videolink ApS CVR 42221023 (also called Videolink). Here you can read the terms and conditions associated with your use of Videolink's services.

The following terms and conditions apply to all agreements with Videolink ApS, unless another written agreement has been entered into in connection with a transaction.

General information about Videolink

Videolink ApS

CVR 42221023

Madsbjergparken 44

8270 Højbjerg 

E-mail: support@videolink.dk

Tlf. +45 7734 7055

2. Scope of the agreement

This set of terms, together with your order confirmation, is the overall basis for your agreement with Videolink. As a customer, you are responsible for complying with the terms of your products.

Parties to the Agreement

The agreement presupposes that you reside in Denmark, have a valid population register address and e-mail address, and that you are of legal age. When ordering, you must provide Videolink with full name, telephone number and e-mail address. You have a duty to notify Videolink immediately of a change of address. The notification must be made via Videolink's customer service on tel. +45 7734 7055 or by e-mail to support@videolink.dk. Videolink ApS may require documentation that all information is correct. Videolink can also update customer information, including name and address, on its own initiative.

Messages from Videolink are sent to you via email and text message to the email address and telephone number you have provided in connection with the order. Messages contain information about the subscription agreement, such as notifications of changes in prices or terms.

However, Video Link can also choose to send messages as a physical letter. Video link can also send you marketing material if you have given us permission to do so.

4. Ownership

Videolink ApS is an operating company of Videolink Holding ApS with the following address:

Madsbjergparken 44

8270 Højbjerg

CVR 42221023

5. Delivery

Videolink basically offers delivery to your CVR or CPR registered address. Delivery will normally be via GLS.

Expected delivery time will usually be within approx. 5 working days. If this changes significantly for a period as a result of e.g. backorder, you will be contacted by our customer service to arrange further. Videolink is responsible for the goods until you have received them. We deliver free return round trip in Denmark, and by appointment outside Denmark.

6. Undo

If you wish to cancel your purchase of Videolink subscriptions, which have been purchased via our website or customer service, you have a 14-day right of withdrawal. If you want to return the Videolink equipment, you must contact us and we will send a return label via e-mail. The right of withdrawal applies from the day you received your package. If you wish to cancel your order, you must notify us orally or in writing no later than the day on which the right of withdrawal expires. You can cancel by sending an e-mail to support@videolink.dk in writing.

When exercising your right of withdrawal, remember to return any equipment you have received. The return address is VONHAYDEN TECHNOLOGY ApS, International House, Center boulevard 5 local. 222, 2300 København S, and we only accept packages that are sent directly to the address. The return of the equipment must be made within 14 days after you have notified us of your withdrawal. We always refund via bank transfer, which is why we always request your bank and account information in connection with. a cancellation or other credit case. We will refund your payment without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 days from the date we received your notification that you wish to cancel and have registered your bank and account information. We may withhold payment until we have received the item, unless you send us proof of returning it. When you return an item to us, we recommend that it be returned in the same packaging as you received it in. If the item is returned in significantly deteriorated condition, you can only get part, or nothing, of the purchase amount refunded, depending on the item. commercial value. Therefore, pay attention to saving the product's original packaging if you are considering regretting the purchase, as in many cases the packaging constitutes a significant part of the product's value.

If you have ordered several items on the same order, you have the option of canceling the purchase of one or more items, even if they were purchased together. However, if the items are covered by a promotional offer or a quantity discount, you do not have the option of only partially canceling the purchase and returning individual items. Contact customer service to clarify what is possible in the given situation.

The item is sent, together with a completed cancellation form (see appendix), to:


International House

Center boulevard 5 lokale. 222

2300 København S

Note: We only receive packages that are sent directly to the address, it is also called "with delivery".

7. Processing of personal data

Videolink uses your personal information for a number of purposes, which are primarily for the purpose of fulfilling our contract with you. We mainly use your personal information to be able to manage your subscription and provide the desired services to you. This includes, among other things, that we collect credit information, create and maintain subscription and billing information, process traffic and location data in connection with the transfer of communication and debiting thereof. We also process your information to meet our legal obligations, including determining where you are if the police or rescue services need this information.

The nature of the recorded information depends on the service to which your agreement relates. We register, among other things, name, address, IP number, the called number, time registration of consumption, and how much data is consumed. For mobile subscriptions, SIM card number, IMEI number on the terminal and location data are also registered.

We register your telephone number when you call our customer service. We use this i.a. to make a notice of you, so that we can more easily and quickly service your inquiry and for any. to be able to call you back with follow-up on your inquiry.

When personal information is collected via our website, we ensure that it is always done by giving your express consent, so you are informed about exactly what information is collected and why.

7.1. Right to insight

With certain legal restrictions, you have the right to gain insight into the information we process about you. As the owner, you can request insight into the personal data that is registered in relation to the subscription and the use of the services, etc. that are covered by the subscription. You will typically gain insight into billing information and more general personal data related to the subscription.

If you are also the right user, you will also have access to more specific personal data in relation to the use of the service on which the user is registered.

At Videolink, the owner of the subscription is also automatically registered as a user. If you as the owner still let others use your subscription, you must be aware that you are not entitled to access their personal information in the first place. It may constitute a material breach of the contract with Videolink if access to personal data concerning others than oneself is requested.

7.2. Your other rights

You have a number of rights under data protection law. You can read about these in Videolink's data protection policy at https://www.Videolink.dk/persondatapolitik/.

All processing takes place in accordance with the rules of data protection legislation and the Logging Order.

8. The SIM card in the GSM dongle

As a Videolink GSM dongle customer at Videolink, you get a SIM card incl. A GSM dongle sent with the equipment package. Your new SIM card is active upon receipt, and sits in the GSM dongle itself, so as a customer you do not have to do anything other than follow the installation instructions that come with the Videolink equipment.

The GSM dongle is owned by our subcontractor, and must therefore also be returned upon termination of the subscription. If this does not happen, this will be invoiced separately at the current selling price with our subcontractor.

8.1. Loss, theft and blocking

If your SIM card in the GSM dongle gets lost, notify Videolink immediately. You can always block the SIM card by calling customer service on tel .: +45 7734 7055.

If you experience a theft of your SIM card (or the GSM dongle with SIM card in it) and it happens outside normal opening hours, you must send an email to support@videolink.dk.

We point out that Customer Service must validate that you are the actual owner of the telephone number before the theft lock can be lifted.

The scope of your and Videolink's liability is stated in the Act on Payment Services and Electronic Money. See the following reproduction of § 99 and §100 in the Payment Services Act: § 99. The payer's payment service provider is liable to the payer for losses as a result of unauthorized payment transactions, cf. § 97, unless otherwise follows from § 100. In the case of an unauthorized transaction, the payer's provider immediately and at the latest at the end of the following working day repay the payer the amount, unless the payer's provider has reasonable grounds to suspect fraud and notifies the Danish FSA of these reasons.

PCS. (2) Where an unauthorized payment transaction has been initiated via a provider of payment initiation services, the account-holding provider shall repay the payer the amount immediately and no later than at the end of the following working day, cf. 1.

PCS. If the provider of payment initiation services is responsible for the unauthorized payment transaction, the provider of the payment initiation service shall, at the request of the account-holding provider, immediately hold the account-holding provider indemnified for losses or amounts paid as a result of repayment to the payer, cf. 3.

PCS. (4) The Danish FSA shall lay down detailed rules on the technical implementation of the notification, cf. 1, 2. Pkt. § 100. The payer's provider of payment services is liable to the payer for losses as a result of others' unjustified use of a payment service, unless otherwise follows from subsection. 2-5. The payer is only liable under para. 3-5, if the transaction is correctly registered and booked, cf. 2.

PCS. (2) The payer is liable without limitation of amount for losses that arise as a result of the payer having acted fraudulently or intentionally failed to fulfill his obligations under section 93.

PCS. 3. Unless further liability follows from para. 4 and 5, the payer is liable for up to DKK 375 for losses as a result of others' unauthorized use of the payment service, if the personal security measure belonging to the payment service has been used.

PCS. 4. Unless further liability follows from para. 5, the payer is liable for up to DKK 8,000 for losses as a result of others' unauthorized use of the payment service if the payer's provider proves that the personal security measure belonging to the payment service has been applied, and

1) That the payer has failed to notify the payer's provider as soon as possible after becoming aware that the payment instrument belonging to the payment service has been lost or the personal security measure has come to the knowledge of the unauthorized person.

2) That the payer has intentionally handed over the personal security measure to the person who made the unauthorized use, without the matter being covered by subsection (1). 5, or

3) That the payer by grossly unreasonable conduct has enabled the unjustified use.

PCS. 5. The payer is liable without limitation of amount for losses arising from the unauthorized use of the payment service by others when the personal security measure belonging to the payment service has been applied and the payer's provider proves that the payer has intentionally disclosed the personal security measure to the person who made the unauthorized use and that it has occurred in circumstances where the payer realized or should have realized that there was a risk of abuse.

PCS. 6. Notwithstanding subsection 3-5 the payer's provider is liable for unauthorized use that takes place,

1) After the provider has been notified that the payment instrument belonging to the payment service has been lost, that an unauthorized person has become aware of the personal security measure, or that the payer for other reasons wants the payment instrument blocked.

2) When it is caused by actions taken by a provider's employee, agent or branch or entity to which the provider's activities are outsourced, or their inaction, or 

3) Because the provider has not taken appropriate measures, cf. section 94, subsection 1, No. 2

PCS. 7. Notwithstanding subsection 3-5 the payer's provider is also liable if the provider does not require strong customer authentication, unless the payer has acted fraudulently. The payee or his provider must reimburse the losses incurred by the payer's provider if the payee or his provider has failed to use strong customer authentication. 1st and 2nd point. Does not apply to services covered by section 1, subsection 5, and § 5, nos. 14-16.

PCS. 8. Notwithstanding subsection 3-5, the payer's provider is also liable if the loss, theft or the unjustified acquisition of the payment instrument belonging to the payment service or the personal security measure belonging to the payment service could not be detected by the payer prior to the unjustified use.

8.2. Coverage ratio

You should be aware that coverage and data rate depend on factors such as your physical location, number of concurrent users, mast location, and any coverage barriers. Depending on these conditions, the coverage may therefore vary in relation to what is stated by Videolink. You can always get acquainted with our coverage in Denmark via the coverage map, which you can find here (https://www.telia.dk/kundeservice/dakning-og-drift/dakningskort/). Videolink supports 4G coverage, and the GSM dongle also supports 4G to use the technology. But it depends on the local conditions, with the person who has the installation on his TV. Contact customer service if there is a lack of coverage on the supplied SIM cards (the light in the GSM dongle must be lit constantly and NOT flashing).

9. Payment terms

As a new customer at Videolink, you have various payment options. We recommend payment by debit card. At www.videolink.dk you can pay with and create a subscription agreement with Dankort, MasterCard, Visa. Payment is made in Danish kroner. 

Your subscription is paid monthly in advance via the chosen payment solution. We point out that we do NOT normally send out an invoice when the amount due is less than DKK 50. In that case, we collect for a later invoicing.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you pay your bills on time. If you breach this relationship, Videolink reserves the right to charge your bill interest and reminder fees as well as the option to block your connection and terminate the agreement. Videolink informs about this via email, SMS, telephone or by post. letter.

Videolink can also report you to a credit information agency in accordance with the Private Registers etc. Act, and in relation to any debt collection costs that you have to pay.

If you breach the subscription agreement by failing to pay the overdue debt, you can not enter into a new agreement with Videolink until the debt has been paid.

9.1. Payment of subscription

When creating a new Videolink subscription, invoicing starts after the 14-day trial period when the Videolink equipment has been shipped.

9.2. Payment of Additional Consumption

The included SIM card in the GSM dongle has a data capacity of 5 GB per. month, which comes with the Videolink subscription. This should be ample for Videolink use. Contact customer service if you experience problems with missing data capacity. Excess consumption is the consumption of services and services via your SIM card, which is not part of your subscription. It can i.a. be payment of content-charged services, calls to 90 numbers, calls to countries not included in the subscription, or use of voice, SMS and data in the form of roaming in countries not included in the subscription, as well as general calls in addition to the included talk time and consumption beyond the limits applicable to the subscription.

9.3. Payment solutions

By payment solution must be understood the way in which you pay for Videolink subscription. As this is an ongoing subscription, in connection with the creation, you allow payment to be deducted from this payment solution in the future.

You can pay with the following payment solutions:

Credit card: Videolink uses the payment solution QuickPay, where it is also possible to pay via MobilePay and other payment solutions. This ensures that your invoices are always paid on time and that your account is not blocked due to missing or forgotten payments. There is no sensitive payment information (such as card number, expiration date and check digits) at Videolink. The payment information is encrypted on the payment pages of Videolink's payment provider QuickPay, which is PCI certified.

You can revoke your permission for us to deduct an amount from your payment card at any time. You can also object to "unauthorized charges" to your card provider, however, no later than 8 weeks after the charge, unless otherwise stated in your agreement with the card provider.

10. International telephony

Your Videolink equipment and subscription you can NOT install abroad, unless you buy at your own expense a SIM card approved in that country and replace the supplied SIM card in the GSM dongle. If this happens, we must notify Videolink in writing, as it is possible that the Videolink software will need to be reconfigured. Contact customer service for more information, should this be a wish, and we will find a solution to this.

You need to pay special attention when traveling in border areas. Here, the SIM card in the GSM dongle can try to connect to a mast in another country, and it will therefore be that country's terms and prices that apply. It is your responsibility to which mobile network your GSM dongle connects to. Contact customer service for further info. 

11. When data is included in your subscription

Your Videolink GSM subscription includes 5GB per month for data in Denmark, which you can freely use up to the included amount per. month. When the limit is reached, the speed is reduced to 64/64 Kbit / s. Unused data consumption is not carried over to the next month.

12. Campaigns

You can only get 1 campaign discount in connection with. your subscription with Videolink, whether this discount is triggered at the beginning of your customer relationship or at a later date. If you have been a customer of Videolink within the past 6 months and in that connection obtained a promotional discount, you can not obtain a new promotional discount in connection with. your new subscription.

13. Credit rating

Videolink is at all times entitled to make a credit assessment of you, including in connection with the conclusion of an agreement. The credit assessment is carried out in accordance with the rules of the Personal Data Act. We also regularly update your customer and credit information by registering and obtaining information from CPR / CVR as well as credit information agencies approved by the Danish Data Protection Agency.

14. Default

In the event that you breach obligations under the subscription agreement, Videolink may interrupt or limit your use of Videolink's mobile service. In the event of permanent default, Videolink may terminate your subscription. The following factors are considered, among others, to be material breaches:

• You stop your payments.

• You use equipment that is not CE marked or intended for use in connection with connection to Videolink's mobile service.

• You use the subscription to convey traffic to others than yourself or any user.

• Accidental pattern in the use of switching between subscriptions.

• You provide incorrect information or fail to notify Videolink of the transfer or change of email address.

• You harass Videolink, Videolink's employees or Videolink's other customers.

• Deliberately attempts to misuse the subscription for consumption that can not be considered the intention, whereby you incur Videolink extraordinary expenses to 3rd parties.

If you do not correct the situation that gave rise to the interruption, Videolink may terminate the subscription agreement without notice.

If the subscription agreement is terminated, you will lose the rights to the mobile number.

It is also noted that Videolink reserves the right to refuse the start of a customer relationship, or termination of an existing relationship based on factual criteria such as creditworthiness assessment and other customer relationships.

15. Changes in prices and terms

Videolink may change these terms at any time, as well as subscription and consumption fees. You will always be notified of these changes, for example via email or SMS. You will be notified at least 30 days before the changes take effect. You can cancel your subscription at any time until the end of the current month + 30 days if you do not want to keep it after the change has taken effect. In the event of minor changes, Videolink may choose to place advertisements in the daily press and on www.videolink.dk. If the change is to your advantage, you will not necessarily be notified. You can find the current prices at www.videolink.dk.

16. Complaint

If you find that your order does not match the agreement entered into, or if the SIM card is defective, contact Videolink as soon as possible after you discover the discrepancy.

If your complaint concerns a defective SIM card, webcam, etc., please contact Videolink's customer service, who will arrange for the card to be replaced at no cost to you.

If you want to complain about a service, you must first contact us either by phone on +45 7734 7055.

or via email to support@videolink.dk, so we can determine the nature of the defect and agree with you how the service should be repaired.

17. Termination

As a customer of Videolink, you can cancel your subscription with a current month + 30 days. In connection with termination, any receivable will be paid to a bank account number provided by you no later than 30 days after the termination and receipt of bank details. Termination must be made via Customer Service on +45 7734 7055. Videolink has the right to terminate the subscription agreement or parts thereof with at least 30 days notice if Videolink ceases to offer the service.

18. Binding period

There is no other binding period on your Videolink subscription, apart from what is stated in the section above on "Termination". This unless otherwise stated separately in the offer you have received.

19. Disputes and redress

It is important to us that you have a good experience with Videolink, and we are therefore always interested in helping you. We will therefore also, in accordance with the law, make you aware of your appeal options. 

If you are dissatisfied with a product or service, you are always welcome to call our customer service. It is also possible to submit a more official complaint to Mads Søndergaard, director at Videolink, by e-mail ms@Videolink.dk.

In cases where the disagreement between you and Videolink concerns a consumption registered by Videolink, and / or you are registered as a private customer, Videolink's decision can be brought before the Telecommunications Appeals Board, Axeltorv6, 3rd floor right. 1609 Copenhagen V, www.teleanke.dk.

It is also possible to file a more official complaint about a product or service. This can be submitted to the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority's Center for Complaint Resolution, Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2, 8800 Viborg Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 or via the website www.forbrug.dk.

The European Commission's online complaints portal can also be used to lodge a complaint. This is particularly relevant if you are a consumer residing in another EU country. The complaint can be submitted here: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. When submitting a complaint, you can enter our e-mail address: kundeservice@Videolink.dk.

 For all purchases of goods, the rules of the Danish Sale of Goods Act apply to defects and application.

20. Compensation

Videolink is liable for damages according to the general rules of Danish law. Videolink is in no way liable for lost profits, operating losses or other indirect losses, unless the loss is due to Videolink's intentional or negligent actions. 

21. Transfer

With Videolinks' consent, you can transfer the subscription / number to a third party. Video link requires written consent from both you and a third party, and that any debt is paid before transfer. Video link is free to transfer your number to third parties or other ownership structure.

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