We wish you all a Happy New Videolink Year🧨🎆

fireworks, new year's eve, city-1953253.jpg

We sincerely thank you for a great 2021. We are now experience a huge increase in customer inquiries. It has been an eventful year for Videolink ApS. Some of the highlights from this year include the onboarding of our Investors, go live of Videolink version 1.0 in August, launch of our new website in November (se our new customer video here: www.videolink.dk) and exciting dialogs with visitor leads from the conference Health & Rehab in Copenhagen in November. We are also in dialog with potential partnerships in e.g., France, Japan, Norway and China. Looking forward do business with you all in 2022.


Loneliness, physical and mental health has been a huge topic this year – especially due to the increase of infections from COVIC-19 worldwide. Videolink can actually help to include the elderly and woundable despite COVID-19 and thereby obtaining our mission to give the elderly their dignity back and increase their life quality in general. But also, to increase the elderly’s health by introducing telerehabilitation, doctor video consultation, video visitation and telemedicine. Therefore, we will increase our focus going into dialogue with the municipalities – also to reduce the caretaker costs and to make better use of the caretaker’s work. They should not use their time on trivial working tasks such as helping the elderly e.g., using tablets or smartphones in their daily working process. Instead, they should take care of their core business supporting and helping the elderly doing welfare-services in general.


In the coming year, we will introduce some brand-new privacy functions and a total new Videolink case design in order to increase customer user experience and onboarding of new customers.


We wish you all a Happy New Year – we look forward to continuing our collaboration in 2022!


Best regards, Team Videolink

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